The Prospect Factory were recently contacted by one of the largest manufacturers of automotive parts in the UK to assist them with the enormous task of cleansing their legacy customer database. With over 30,000 “customers” held across various spreadsheets and CRM systems, it was impossible our client to have a true understanding of who their customers were, if they were still trading, the main points of contact and if there was still an opportunity to quote for their business.
The main challenges & objectives of the database cleansing campaign were to:
Make contact with all 30,000 “customers” within a 4 month timeframe
Assign and train a team of 7 telemarketers to the project
Amalgamate and upload all 30,000-company records into our own cloud hosted telemarketing CRM system.
On each phone call, identify the following information:
Export the cleansed and updated database from our system on a monthly basis and upload the accurate information into our client’s new CRM system.
Assist our client with creating a contact strategy for email & postal direct marketing so that brand awareness of our client could be nurtured even before the first phase of telemarketing began.
We’ll ensure complete accuracy to create more hits.
Call us on 01604 652 860 or